April 1916, Astoria Freemasons Week Long Celebration for the opening of Advance Masonic Temple

Published on 9 May 2023 at 21:51

      In April of 1916 Asvance Lodge No 635 of Astoria Queens Advertised in the Lomg Island Sun, The Daily Dispatch, The Brooklyn Eagle and Brooklyn Daiky Times among other local papers a week long celebration for the opening of the new Asvance Masonic Temple on Grand Aveneue and Can Alst Avenue now 2114 30th Ave, Astoria, New Tork 11102. 

      It was not uncommon for such hoopla at the time. New York City was at the height of political corruption of city officials, namely the Dark Horse Cavalry. The final wave of corruption coming out of Tammany Hall in a rush of bribery. In the wake of the Civil War many Americans looked towrd New York as it teansformed from a farming and trade down as the pinnacle of Industrialism in an unpresidented amount of building structures, massive statues, cutting edge bridges, factories with advancing technologies. 

      The Advance Masonic Temple was no acception. Dubbed the "Elecreic Palace" during the week long gala. It was considered fully modernized because it was completely wired for electrisity. There were charity booths wich ran up amd down Grand Avenue, manned by members of the Campfire Girls and Eastern Star. Each booth, the columns in fromt of the lodge, the entire entrance way, was decorated with fine and made flowers. 

      200 boy scouts greeted visitors at the wayer ferrys, Trolleys and local Long Island Rail Road station to wscort them to the Temple where they were greeted by a 40 piece band. Over 500 people gathered as the Mayor, members of the Queens City Counsil and previous Mayor addressed the audience. 

      When all formalities were comcluded, the Master of the Lodge, W. M. Blunt pressed a button that was installed om the grand stand and every flower lit up to commence the evening's festivities. 

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